Friday, October 29, 2010

I treaded on a flower, apologised profusely, picked it up and tucked it behind my ears. The delicious smell of winter landed on my nose.

I sit in darkness, watching festive insects clambering insanely towards a terrible crescendo under the new white street light.
I blink, and trace the spiral pattern with my fingers, guilty because I lied. It ate me up, the lie. i could feel pain, and even cried a little bit.
That night, I  craved revulsion but under the muted light of the lamp, i betrayed myself.

Nurturing a steady headache, i ignore your warmth and as the earth slowly dies around me,
 I walk under the whispering leaves, switching off lights in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say I am in love with your blog you snarling pumpkin you!
