Thursday, December 16, 2010

CLEMENTINE(stares out window)
My embarrassing admission is I really
like that you're nice.  Right now,
anyway.  I can't tell from one moment to
the next what I'm going to like.  But
right now I'm glad you said, "that's
okay" to me.  That was nice of you.
JOELIt's no problem.  Anyway, I have some
stuff I need to --
CLEMENTINEOh, okay.  Well, sure, I'll just...
(stands, throws bag over
Take care, then.
JOEL(pulling journal from
Probably see you at the book store.
CLEMENTINE(heading toward other end of
Unless I get that hair-color-naming job.
Clementine sits and stares out the window.
There are a few more people in the car now.  Clementine has
inched a few seats closer to Joel.  She watches him.  His
head is immersed in his journal.

It's dark out.  The train is pretty crowded.  Joel stares out
the window.  Clementine sits closer still to Joel, eyes him.

The doors open and Joel emerges along with others.  He heads
to the parking lot, arrives at the car.  There's a big dented
scrape along the driver's side.  He gets in.

Joel drives.  He passes Clementine walking.  She looks cold.
He considers, slows, rolls down his window.

JOELHi.  I could give you a ride if you need.
CLEMENTINENo, that's okay.  Thanks, though.
JOELYou're sure?  It's cold.
CLEMENTINEI don't want to take you out of your way.
JOELIt's okay.

He pulls over.  She climbs in.  They drive.

JOELWhere do you live?
CLEMENTINEYou're not a stalker or anything, right?
JOELWell, I probably wouldn't say if I were,
but no.
CLEMENTINEYou can't be too careful.  I've been
stalked.  I've been told I'm highly
stalkable.  I don't need that.
JOELI'm not a stalker.
You know Wilmont?
CLEMENTINEWilmont. Near the high school.
Joel turns.  They drive in silence.
CLEMENTINE (CONT'D)Look, I'm very sorry I came off sort of
nutso.  I'm not really.
JOELIt's okay.  I didn't think you were.

There's a silence.

CLEMENTINESo you like bookstores, huh?
JOELI like to read.
CLEMENTINEMe too.  It is Rain Dogs, by the way.
JOELYeah?  I can't remember that album very
well.  I remember liking it.  But --
CLEMENTINEThe song's 9th and Hennepin.  I spent
most of the train ride trying to
remember.  "Till you're full of rag water
and bitters and blue ruin/And you spill
out/Over the side to anyone who'll
listen."  Remember?
JOELSort of, um...
CLEMENTINERemember?  "And you take on the dreams of
the ones who have slept there/And I'm
lost in the window/I hide on the
stairway/I hang in the curtain/I sleep in
your hat..."
(starts to cry)
Oh, shit.  I'm so stupid.  Sorry.


CLEMENTINEI'm just a bit of a wreck.  "I sleep in
your hat" makes me cry.
(pointing to a house)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange

James Douglas Morrison, you live on.